RPA Automation ...
Time-to-value is critical.
You don't have to wait months for solutions.
nutan delivers in days.
nutan RPA avoids the feature bloat of other RPA platforms to drive scalable, repeatable results. nutan is platform agnostic and can be deployed quickly to immediately begin delivering value.
Choosing an RPA tool can be intimidating.
Do you really need all those features?
Does having extra feature save you extra money? Or, do you need a straight-forward scalable, platform-agnostic software that can be up and running with a customized set of bots in days.
That's the nutan value-advantage. With options for personal concierge guidance, or "DIY" installation, we promise it doesn't take an IT Guy to control this solution.
Let’s talk about my challenge…

Freight Audit & Payment
Organizations pay, on average, 8-10% more than they should due to undetected billing errors. Eliminate manual data extraction and entry using nutan automated bots that capture relevant information from freight invoices, connect to your Freight Payment solution, enter and process the required data—plus nutan offers detailed audit trails of all bot actions. Read More...

DC Yard Scheduling
60% of companies still use manual process to manage inbound /outbound trucks, shipments, personnel and assets moving around an operational (distribution center, manufacturing facility, or warehouse). By using nutan automation for yard activities companies reduce overall expenses by at least 5% and many save much more…. Read More...

HR Recruit & Onboarding
The majority of companies spend between 30-120 days with tasks related to fill vacant roles within their organization. Using nutan automation, HR departments can improve time-to-hire and also save steps with onboarding, paperwork, processing pay role and more… Read More...

Loan Application
Most financial institutions support online loan applications, but also support paper-based applications which rely on manual intervention in the approval process. Automation via nutan can reduce the loan application processing time by more than 300%, while significantly increasing accuracy and improving customer satisfaction.... Read More...

Application Testing
Improved testing time and detection rates; broader test coverage; reduced costs; and faster time-to-value are just a few of the benefits realized through test automation. Unfortunately most companies do not utilize testing automation or cut this cost in an effort to trim expenses during a launch. nutan started as a test automation tool to help our clients save money and that’s exactly what it does…. Read More...
Custom Bots
Every business is different. Even companies using the same software follow different processes or have different interfaces with varying timelines. nutan provides an easy-to-use system agnostic interface so organizations can quickly build and deploy their own custom bots for their specific use cases in weeks—not months…. Read More...

Don't see what you need? - don't worry...
custom bots are how we developed our RPA solution.

Not getting the value from RPA?
Many of our existing RPA Customers already had an RPA tool before selecting nutan. Our simple, nimble, and affordable approach to RPA added value and made sense for these customers, might it for you as well?
We designed nutan to support
Supply Chain challenges...
As consultants and experts across supply chain platforms, nutan is just one of our customer solutions that ultimately evolved into a transformative product.
We are pleased to be able to deliver nutan's value for your supply chain, as a “staffing” resource or an office time-saving tool.
Whether you are choosing an RPA tool or not sure if RPA is a good match for your business...we can help.